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Gnarled Beauty

Gnarled Beauty
©2007. all rights reserved

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Zucchini Farewell

At certain times of the year, it's never hard to find someone who is trying to get rid of bushels and bushels of zucchini! Since it grows like a weed, many backyard gardeners plant it to make themselves feel green-thumbish. But do you ever wonder why they end up giving away so much of their bountiful crop? I suspect that it's not all about generosity!
Take me, for example, if I had a bumper mango crop, you can bet I’d find a way to consume every last one of them—mango pie, mango juice, mango sorbet, mango soup, mango tea, mango lotion—you get the picture. I love mangoes so I’d eat me some mangoes till I dropped from mango-itis.
Not so with the zucchini. Face it. Zucchini is to vegetables as "Wonder Bread is to real bread. Bland, bland, bland. At least you can slap some peanut butter on the white bread and have something good stuck to the roof of your mouth. Can't say that about a zucchini! Among the zillions of recipes for zucchini this and zucchini that, I've yet to find one that makes it taste like a damn thing. It's the cardboard of vegetables--tasteless. I don’t have a lot of time to cook so if I am going to chop or grate, dice or slice, fry or bake something, it better end up tasting like something. The saddest thing? With a name like Zucchini, you’d expect it to be more. I wish I could appeal to the VRC—Vegetable Renaming Council to reassign the name of Zucchini to some worthier vegetable--like Kale. I keep buying zucchini and it keeps rotting in my fridge alongside the hope that someday I can make something great with it. So today I say, no more. Arrivederci Zucchini!

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