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Gnarled Beauty

Gnarled Beauty
©2007. all rights reserved

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Racial Muzzle

It tells you everything about RACE in America that the Black President can't even talk about race, racism, racial injustice in the way it NEEDS to be talked about at every level by EVERYBODY in these United States. (And by RACE I mean the deeply entrenched and historical and contemporary divide between BLACK and WHITE! Yes folks, we got to go way back to that place people want to forget--slavery and the lingering stench of its aftermath. And I don't care if your people came over on later boats through Ellis Island!)
 Like Trayvon Martin before him, Mike Brown too could have looked like Obama's son! If President Obama had a son would he/could he speak differently? At times when he needs to speak, it's not unusual to hear pundits reiterate that President Obama is not a President for Black America only, as if by commenting on elephant in the room of American existence, he is violating his oath of office. When has he ever shown that he is not a President for all who live here? I dare say, by not talking about race consistently and meaningfully throughout his presidency, he has not fully been the president of all Americans. Black folks are still catching hell as they have under all prior 43 administrations. President Kennedy and Johnson after him took courageous steps in the area of civil rights, so I have to wonder where, style notwithstanding, is the substance of President Obama on this matter? In these turbulent times, if not him, then who? If not now, then when? Who will be the next most powerful person in the whole wide world who is going to have the power to call this for what it is? Who else but a Black man can talk about what life is like for Black men, profiled, pursued, penned in, and pent up? Who but he can say, "This crap must stop?"