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Gnarled Beauty

Gnarled Beauty
©2007. all rights reserved

Monday, July 28, 2014

GAZA: No Peace. No Justice

Justice First:  On the “Situation” in Gaza
What do we mean when we say there can be no peace without justice? It means that peace cannot grow in injustice. Peace cannot grow under occupation.  Occupation is injustice.  So let us just do away with the fig leaf of the "peace process." What kind of peace process requires that people come to the negotiating table, as supplicants, like dogs with their tails between their legs?  How can the USA be an honest and just broker for peace when their every utterance begins with “We firmly believe in the right of Israel to defend itself!”?  How can peace or justice prevail in a process where the scales are weighted in favour of one side? 
 It is impossible. We can’t even talk about the “situation” in Gaza, the West Bank and the Occupied Territories, in honest language.  The parameters of the conversations are circumscribed by narrow social conventions and fear of being seen as anti-Semitic.  We have actively closed off many valid critiques of Israel because of the threat of that dreaded accusation.  We silence ourselves in the face of the injustice and dehumanization we can plainly see that the Palestinians suffer daily and have for many years.  Even Jewish people around the world and citizens of Israel whose conscience rage against these injustices are silenced. Notwithstanding the corruption of their political representatives, and perhaps incompetence of leadership, the plight of Palestinian people, vis-a- vis Israel is unjust!  
So I will not preface my long held feeling that the Palestinian people have long borne the freight of an injustice not committed by them. And in the current geo-political climate the odds will never be in their favour. We have limited the space where we can talk honestly and constructively about what is happening, and why. I will not preface my feelings that the Palestinian people have a right to struggle against this injustice and oppression and subjugation and dehumanization.  They have a right to resist the capriciousness of occupying forces. They have a right to struggle against despair and annihilation. To deny the validity of their struggle is to rub salt in their wounds.
Understandably, Palestinians have used violence in their resistance struggle and in the process they have killed innocents on both sides. But the collective punishment meted out by the Goliath that is the Israeli military against what can be argued are at times feeble, wrong-headed and self-defeating tactics of a long-oppressed and out gunned people, is overkill. Particularly in a space the size of Gaza, I imagine it is like shooting fish in a bowl.  How can bombing schools and hospitals and razing blocks and decimating the foundations of Gaza be a reasonable response?
I recently heard a journalist commenting on a radio program that at the heart of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict was that two people wanted to live on the same dot on the map!  I nearly drove off the road over at this wrong-headed simplistic drivel.  The continued displacement of the Palestinians due to occupation and continuing encroachment upon and resettlement of their lands is not the same as two people wanting to be on the same dot of land.  It is this and other similar glib “assessments” that obfuscate the roots of this intractable conflict.
 In the West we know well of the Holocaust in Europe that killed millions of people, including 6 million Jews.  It is right that we “never forget!” However in the aftermath of WW2 came the “Nakba” for the Palestinian people when the modern state of Israel was conceived.  We can’t ask them to forget and accept what happened to them when European powers reshaped their lives and futures at meeting and conventions at which they were not present.  Imagine the bitter pills Palestinians swallow whenever they see Jewish people from around the world finding refuge in lands from which they have been exiled, with no right of return. Imagine the “insult to injury” of not being able to speak or be heard on that righteous grievance. As we should make those who deny the Holocaust be forced to face the truth of that horror and its root causes, we ought to at least grant the Palestinians the decency of a real and unvarnished examination of their suffering, its origins and the hard choices that will have to be made to bring about a resolution. However in the “give and take” of negotiations, one side can’t be expected to do all the giving! Absent that, the seeds of peace will continue to fall on and wither in the rocky grounds of injustice.  There can be no hope for reconciliation in the face of the world’s amnesia or ignorance to how and why the Palestinian people are as dust. 7/28/14