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Gnarled Beauty

Gnarled Beauty
©2007. all rights reserved

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Much Ado about Beijing Olympics

With the closing ceremonies over, Olympic blather is old news, especially with the DNC and RNC holding their political parties this week. But I just had a few things to say--and it's my blog so I can say it now.

1. It was clear from the outset when China was awarded these games that they were an authoritarian state with a bad human rights records with no regard for the rules of the west--except for the rule of money. Those games were awarded to China because of business interests and not as some incentive to clean up their act. And probably because they had the loot to throw pay for the party. (And what a party it was)!

Of course people should protest and advocate for a whatever it is they want to see in China, but if anyone expected these games to convert China, they were fooling themselves. Clearly their model of authoritarian capitalism works. THat "MADE IN CHINA" label is on pretty much EVERYTHING we all use/consume in the rest of the world. It doesn't seem likely that we are about to give up the stuff, so get over it.

2. It seemed to me that the US (especially its media) and much of the world were really hoping China would screw up something in the run up to the games and during they games. The opening and closing were boffo. The venues fabulous. And the deadly Smog? What smog? Hah! So much for the dire predictions of the delicate Westerners dropping down dead from too much particulate matter. Oh yes there is the matter of He Kexin the little gymnast who kicked butt. Sure she might be 14 but the Chinese government says she ain't and they control the agencies that can make her 14 or 54. So there! They ran away with the gold booty and their volunteers even learned English. That's a big nice raspberry to the west.

3. Back to He Kexin for a moment, and yes that little lip-synching girl (how could I have forgotten? The way that the Chinese government handles things is basically to say: "Whatcha gonna do? We do what we do cause we run things." And they do! That's how they roll! Gotta admit they have the balls. And again they got the money!

4. The US is a sore loser. They want to hog all the gold and glory and they don't like to share the spotlight. And that is why I had to suffer through every damn beach volleyball tournament but not get to see the three Jamaican sprinters take their places on the stand in a historic moment.

5. Olympics are a like a big expensive wedding! Lots of set up and clean up. Only the bride and groom really care! At the end of the day, people show up, eat the food, have a bit of fun and then they forget to send you an anniversary card (not that they should). The gold medal athletes are the bride and groom and everybody else is an usher a page or a waiter. You have a few nice pictures and then...Party Over!

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